The Rachael Ray Show

Friday, November 4, 2011

How to improve your personal life and relationship

When you are trying to improve your relationship, this can be hard to do if you are not strong enough to do it. Some of the bad things that make a relationship go wrong do not trust your mate. Perhaps you have a good reason not to trust your mate but you have to forget and forgive, which can be hard to do. However, it will not get any easier for you if you do not work on the problem. It s not all your fault or your mates fault, since involvement is a 50-50 relationship. It takes two to make it work and not only one can do it so you both have to be in agreement to work on your relationship together, otherwise you are wasting life.

What are some of the things that we can do to make it better?
When trying to make a bad relationship work it can be hard to do at times. There are times when it cannot be saved at all. There has to be a good communication channel between both of you in order to even try to get along. You have to sit down and find the real reason why and where you went wrong. Try to figure something out to make it better. If you cannot communicate then you won’t be able to work out your relationship. Failure to communicate is the leading cause businesses, relationships, and self improvement falters.

Some of the things you might want to do are take time for you and your mate. Try taking a walk together and talk about the weather, or other topics that reduces stress. You want to avoid stressful subjects until you are ready to discuss your problems calmly. One of the biggest mistakes people make, is calling shots while emotions are soaring. This leads to a yelling match and no one wins.

If you learn to communicate without biting backs, you will learn to relax and control your emotions. Perhaps after you spend time together talking casual, you may feel in the mood to enjoy a romantic night together. If you have children, perhaps are family member or friend can watch the children while you and your mate go to a hotel for a romantic night.

How can one person improve a relationship?
It’s hard for one person to make changes by them self. It takes two to make a relationship grow and it has to take two to make it work. Nothing is easy. Still, it has been done and if you are strong enough you can make it though anything. You and your mate have been though some hard times. The deal is you have to improve your personal life. You cannot change anyone and for this reasons, the weight is on your shoulders to make your life better. Once you improve your life, your mate may take interest and start to improve his or her personal life. It is proven that good conduct speaks louder than any words.

How do I improve my personal life?
Improving your life takes action. The first thing you want to do is to sit down, make a list, plan and set goals to change. DO not bully you. Instead of looking at all the bad, look at the good since thinking positive is the key to success.

Once you set your goals start taking action to improve your personal life. Again, your mate may take interest and he/she too will join you in improving your lives together.

What do you think?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Male Menopause Enlarged(2)

There are currently numerous debates in the medical community on whether menopause really exists in men.

Menopause in women is defined as the time when the menstrual periods cease. Based on this, men cannot have menopause. But, as the doctors have argued, they can undergo andropause — the male equivalent of menopause in women. Male who have andropause manifest the same symptoms as those women with menopause.

Male menopause is used to refer to the condition in which men experience a decrease in their hormone levels. But unlike the case of women whose hormone levels drop dramatically, male menopause takes place with a gradual fall in hormone testosterone. Medical reports show that many men in their 70's have almost the same testosterone levels as those in their 20's.

Men with menopause manifest symptoms that include irritability, sweating, memory problems, concentration difficulties, and hot flushing.

Other common complaints of men with menopause consist of low sex drive, hair loss, fatigue, generalized pains, and body shape changes as they tend to become more rounded and less brawny.

Analyzing the symptoms, it becomes clear why male menopause is compared with that of women. Women may manifest some or all of the symptoms listed.

It is important to note, however, that the symptoms listed may be caused by other physical illnesses other than menopause. Thyroid gland dysfunction, depression, or anemia may be the underlying roots.

Some doctors, however, claim that male menopause is caused not by the hormonal changes but by psychological reasons. The realization that they are ageing is underlined by the signs of physical changes such as the occurrence of wrinkles, fat and waning hairline.

Men in their middle age usually weaken their self-esteem as they begin to question themselves as to whether they still have a role in their homes and the society. An example is when their children mature and leave home; they start to feel empty and futile in the family.

Other possible psychological triggers of menopause in men include financial problems, job dissatisfaction, and marital conflicts.

It is important to note, however, that the symptoms listed may be caused by other physical illnesses other than menopause. Again, thyroid gland dysfunction, depression, or anemia may be the underlying causes.

The diagnosis of male menopause is done by running a physical exam, the doctor will inquire about the symptoms the male is experiencing. He may conduct necessary diagnostic tests to discard other medical problems which may be affecting the condition. Series of blood tests will then be carried out to analyze the patient's hormone levels, as well as the blood testosterone status.

Testosterone replacement therapy is applied if the testosterone levels are found to be low. This process also helps to minimize the symptoms such as fatigue, depression, and low libido, or poor sex drive.

Hormone replacement therapy has as well been tied to the development in the brain functions, bone density and night sweats.

Testosterone replacement comes in oral medication, implants, or injections.

The oral drugs are given to those who cannot bear implants or injections.

On the other hand, implants are placed in the lower hip or abdomen. This method provides cure that keeps going for up to six months.

The testosterone injections are typically given about once every two weeks.

If you are considering testosterone replacement therapy, it is important that you talk to a doctor to learn more about it. Your physician may also advise some changes in your lifestyle, such as an exercise program, proper diet, and medications to help alleviate the symptoms caused by male menopause.

What do you think?

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Male Menopause (1): A Phase Which You Should Not Miss

Hormonal change – two words which can bring significant change to an individuals’ life. Once hormonal change is brought into discussion, most people would correlate it to women. These days however, women are not the only ones who experience hormonal change, men as well. 

Menopause is the normal and natural stage in a woman’s life when her menstruation and ovulation ceases that signifies end to her reproductive years. On the other hand, andropause is a term for male menopause. Since a man does not undergo menstruation and ovulation, the reason behind for male experiencing menopause is to prepare them for second adulthood. Andropause signifies the end for men’s first adulthood. 

Women who enter their forties may begin to experience menopause. Other women starts menopause at age fifty, some even begin at sixty. Men, on the other hand, may start to undergo andropause as early as thirty-five or it can be as late as sixty-five.

While female menopause is a start for women to feel unconstructive sentiments and other pessimistic emotions, most experts believe that andropause brings positive change.

A man will go through a crucial change once he enters the andropause stage. There is inevitable change in psychological, social, interpersonal and even the spiritual aspect. Andropause denotes “the end of the beginning.”

According to research, there are a lot of benefits a man can obtain once andropause is experienced. 
Maturity is the essential benefit of man in going through male menopause. Men on their first adulthood usually focus on doing. However this time as they enter the second adulthood, they are more focused with “the being,” or “the self.” 

Career-wise, they are more inclined to accomplish their job because of “love of work” instead of going to work because it is necessary. On social relationship, men tend to look at other men as acquaintances. During first adulthood, men interact with other men as contenders. 

A man’s personal relationship also matures. He is more focused with developing happiness and intimacy with his partner. Andropause may indicate a stop in brain-draining “battle of the sexes” which may be an indication that he can give way and make his partner win on some discussion. Ego and pride are left behind. It is transformed to in-depth understanding and patience.

Men also gains maturity in a sexual relationship. Second adulthood focuses more on being sexually fulfilled compared to concentrating on different sexual performances which usually takes place during first adulthood. 

Menopause is a period in life where an individual may start to feel incomplete. Others may accordingly react to what their body dictates. Good or bad – whatever menopause may create in one’s life, you are still the one who owns your mind, body and heart. If andropause brings you more benefit, then you are of the lucky few. Otherwise, if it creates struggles in your life then it is time to acknowledge the need for help. Primarily, you need to recognize that you are undergoing change and then let your significant other know about it. Point out the necessary things they must do to help you cross the line. If things seem unbearable after exhausting all possible help within your fence, then it is time to seek help from an expert.

A successful walk in the journey of male menopause boils down to one important thing, having a good attitude.

This may be the reason you and your man do not get along, What do you think?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

5 First Date Mistakes Men Make That End In Heartbreak and How To Avoid Them!

5 First Date Mistakes Men Make That End In Heartbreak and HowLet's face it­­ you never get a second chance to make a first impression!

That's why, if you want to take things further with a woman, you need to show
her your best on the very first date. And in actual fact, there are 5 things
that men consistently do on first dates that totally destroy their chances of
seeing the woman again, and the worst part is they think they're doing it right!

Avoid the following 5 mistakes to increase your chances of success on your
first date:

Mistake #1: Buying gifts - Bringing chocolate or flowers on
a first date isn't the best idea - especially if you've just met the woman!
She's there to get to know YOU. Women are always asking themselves "what does
THAT mean?" And in this case it's, "He bought me flowers because he likes me,
but he doesn't even know anything about me yet! A little suspicious.

Mistake #2: Being Mr. Serious - When in the presence of a
potential date, men often become boring, instead of keeping up the friendly
vibe they have with their friends. They won’t make jokes or laugh with the woman,
they won’t play around like they do with their friends and they generally take
things a little too seriously. Why do men change their behavior around women,
often without even realizing they’re doing it? Because they fear losing their
only chance with the girl of their dreams, they try and play the safe side,
which results in a “Mr. Serious.”

Mistake #3: Conducting an Interview - When men become "Mr.
Serious" they often fall into "job interview conversation mode." Make sure you
reserve questions like, "So where do you work?" or "How many brothers and sisters
do you have?" for the future, after you've already had a lot of fun and made
the sparks fly. Instead, talk about your hobbies, interesting stories and fun
stuff. Avoid anything too deep for a long period of time. On a first date, it
can make things a little depressing. Talk like you've known each other for years
(as if you don’t need to do the awkward 20-questions quiz.) Of course you can
ask basic questions, but never make it the main focus of your date. Focus on

Mistake #4: Being too needy and direct - Without realizing
it, many guys turn their dates off by trying a little too hard. For example:
Men will lean into a woman’s personal space, and ask, "so do you like me?" or
constantly change his opinion to seek her approval and make her like him. Big
mistake. Ironically, it's leaning back, staying cool and calm, being a little
cheeky, interesting, mysterious and comfortable with yourself that actually
gets a woman's attention and keeps her interested.

Mistake #5: Going to boring places - If your date finds the
night boring, you're finished. When it comes to having fun on first dates, nothing
is more important than what you do. And while dinners and movies are nice, it's
really hard to leave a great impression in these settings. Why? Because they
set a very "proper tone" that's hard to turn into fun and playful. And unless
you're a super funny, intelligent and interesting guy, dinner and movie dates
just aren't the best place to take your date. Instead, go to fun places like
mini-golf parks, carnivals, parks, or even better, come up with your own unique
and fun ideas.

So in essence, while there are many factors to having a successful date, a
great date idea really helps you do many of them naturally! Remember, where
you take a woman on a first date can be the difference between a great night
and a dating disaster! Choose wisely!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Can you really save your relationship with Text Messages?

Do you think you “don’t have time for romance?” Relationship expert Michael Fiore thinks you’re wrong… in fact, he says he can show you how to bring all the romance, love and even passion you’re missing back into your relationship, simply by pushing a few buttons on the cell phone you have in your pocket or purse right now.

“Digital Telepathy”

“Text messages are the closest thing to telepathy we have” says Fiore. “Simply by pushing a few buttons on your cell phone you can create a private little fantasy world between you and your boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife … where you can say or do anything without anyone else having a clue.”

He Made Rachael Tingle

Michael Fiore and his “Text The Romance Back” method have been featured on national television and radio including appearing on “The Rachael Ray Show” on Valentine’s Day, where just one of Michael’s “Magic” texts gave Rachael “tingles” and had the whole audience oohing and ahhing.
Go watch this short video to learn how to use tiny little text messages to bring the spark and electricity back into your relationship (even if your man is a “Romantic Numbskull” or if your woman is an “ice queen.”) It’s worked for thousands of couples around the world, and Michael Fiore guarantees it will work for you.

Don't forget to let me know "What DoYou Think?"

Thursday, May 26, 2011

This is a very STRONG WOMAN!

Hello, everyone!

I came across this site where this woman has been through hell... ,
and I have decided to post my comment on my blog to spread the awareness of what many women go through.

Long story short her and her ex-husband do not see eye to eye, and he doesn't want their 6 month old baby and treats her like crap.

My Comment:

Doris, you do not need him and if you feel that strong about your monthly allowance then you should take him to court.
You are absolutely right, he should not run away from his commitment but that's where women do mess up because a man will only do to you what you allow. And once you allow it there is no going back.
Once you have a child, that's usually the time the man is being tested and when you will find out if he is a BOY or a Man.
You need to be the QUEEN that you are and take control of the situation and maybe give him some ultimatums, as he's shouting his arrogant terms you come back at him with... (whatever terms you want).
He's not being a man about the situation so he do not even deserve to demand anything.

Doris...Please Buck up!

You have been too nice...

Having a newborn is stressful enough and you do not need to be dealing with a grown man and his crap.

You deserve better and you just need to do what you've been doing, taking care of your little boy and yourself and someone who will have the three traits you're searching for (love, respect, and understanding) will come along.

The Key to this is Patience!

You most likely will not have to tell your son that his father is dead, in a few years you may have found the man of your dreams that will embrace your son as his own and that will be his father and your ex-husband will just be the sperm donor of the past!

I wish you the best of luck!

Readers you know the routine...What do you think?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

10 things Men dislike about Women: Response

According to there are 10 things men hate about women.
  1. Men hate the way women jump to conclusions and assumptions without knowing all the facts surrounding the situation.                                                                                                                          Response: I do this because by this time my man has already let me down so many times that we can no longer offer them the benefit of the doubt. And once he clouds up the facts until they start sounding too good too be true I have already began seeing strait through him!
  2. Women love to make plans without consulting us first, just as we think that we are going to have a handy weekend and just relax ourselves.                                                                                            Response: I make plans because when we ask "babe, what do you want to do for the weekend?" I get "nothing, it's up to you." So it's up to me especially if the guy works the entire week and think he's gonna rest the entire weekend, the man still has to make time for family time!
  3. We don’t want to know your every step of the day.                                                                    Response: In this situation I may have missed my partner and I ask him how was his day and he tells me and then I follow with a "guess what happen to me today etc," sometimes telling what happen in order until the incident occurred jogs your memory of how everything went.
  4. We hate your total disregard in our input in decisions.                                                                    Response: Every bit of advice may not work for everyone and if  I am given advice on how to handle something that night and go to sleep I probably have thought of 1000 other ways to handle it in my own way by the time I actually go to handle it.
  5. We hate the way you question everything we do, we cannot leave the house without telling you where we are going…                                                                                                                                   Response: Men and women have the traditional code language that only the same sex understands. We just would like to know where you are going what is the big problem? And back to the code men may act like they don't want to know but after a hour of us being gone who's calling the cell? yes, the man is calling to find out where you are! Example:he may not say where are you going before you leave but when you get the call he says something like, "are you having fun, sounds loud" that's just a way to find out where we are.
  6. Don’t ask us what clothes go with what because we can’t tell you, we don’t know what you mean     Response: this goes with number 4. We ask your opinion when we think it matters most, if you like how we look in something we know at least 8-10 other man may also find it attractive.
  7. Men hate shopping, especially clothes shopping.                                                                               Response: So why do you volunteer to come? Be honest and don't say to help...more like just to complain.
  8. Stating the obvious is another great trait of the female of our kind.                                               Response: I especially do this because my partner will ask me where something is and be sitting right in front of it. Instead of first looking he ask, I 've gotten anoid with this and stop answering him until I have seen him look thoroughly. So now, occasionally I will say "your pajamas are on the bed" just so he don't even get the chance to ask me.
  9. We hate interruptions if we are doing something, women will call men from the other room and expect us to go to them if they want to talk to us.. Beckoned to attention like a dog would be..                          Response: It is polite to just step out and address the issue right away, this is part of good communication. If we came out and started saying your business in front of everyone then we're acting crazy. We do not mean for it to sound as if we are calling a dog. Just trying to get the issue resolved quickly.
  10. Women give out about the toilet seat being up constantly.                                                                Response: you should already know why this is such a big deal for women just for the fact that when you leave the toilet seat up we fall in the toilet "SPLASH"! if we leave the seat up nothing happens to you! Just be curtious. 
I wonder what's next?

What do you think?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day Ladies!

This is my first Mother's Day and I am excited, I love my daughter to death!

Today my dear sweety made me breakfast, pancakes, eggs, and bacon yum.

My little girl (her name is M'Kylee by the way, pronounced ma-ky-lee), at only 8 months ate her very first pancakes. Did she love it? Yeah, she screamed when I was trying to take what she had dropped in her chair.

I also have my two step daughters with me, it's gonna be a very hectic and adventurous day.


I have to go, but leave a comment talking about your mother's day. What do you think about mine thus far?

Friday, April 15, 2011

Is it okay?

I been thinking and wondering...

Is it okay to allow your partner to be friends with his ex?

What do I think?

I think maybe? Yes, because as long as I am doing my womanly duties as his girl then I have nothing to worry about. No, because what could they possibly be talking about? Day to day stuff and old memories. I would not like the idea of them mistakenly rekindling any feelings while remembering past times. Big mistake!

However, I do believe that everyone needs closure and if that his way of closing it then give it time and go from there.

I have been in this situation where I was nice enough to allow my bf to remain friends with his ex, only to find out down the line they had begun secretly dating. Whoo! was I pissed but I knew I had left myself open to this stupidity. My fault, I won't get fooled again.


What Do You Think?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A little twist*

Just a quick Testimonial!

"1000 Questions for Couples ruined my relationship. My sweetheart
and I went through the initial 33 questions and I thought things
were great. But after going through some of the questions in the
full version I came to see that I was so blinded by love I didn't
realize I was dating someone who was manipulative, controlling
and abusive. You saved me a lot of heartache. Thanks." - name
withheld Salt Lake City, Utah

Friday, April 1, 2011

3 Ways To Re-Spark The Magic Back Into Your Relationship

Are you frustrated that your relationship doesn’t
have the magic and romance that it once had? Feel
like you're stuck in a rut and always doing the
same things?

You’re not alone. After dating someone for a long
time, it's easy to slip into a stable and
comfortable routine. However, you often lose
the spark that made your relationship so special in
the first place. Not to worry, here are three
simple, fun and creative ways to reignite that


Name a Star after your partner. A number of
astronomical agencies allow individuals to name
stars and you receive formal documentation
identifying the star that you have named. Or how
about this: Give your partner a magic gift box, and
every month place a new small gift in the box for
your beloved to discover.


Take a book that your partner is reading and, using
a pencil, underline letters in a section of the
book she has yet to read to spell out a secret
message of "I love you" or an entire love letter.
Doing it just like this. Or for something really
unique: You can buy special plants that grow and
after 14 days display a message of your choice on
the leaf. Cool or what!


One thing that separates couples with 'out of this
world' relationships, is they never stop doing new,
fun and exciting things with their partner. In
other words, they never stop dating and neither
should you.

Spend the day doing fun things: go to the carnival,
the beach, have a water fight, stare at the clouds
on a grassy hill, go on a picnic, walk in the rain
without raincoats and umbrellas, dress up in funny
costumes and hit the town. Or how about this: Pick
your partner up for a date and blindfold her before
driving to a special destination. Try to make the
destination something really unexpected like a
table set up at the top of a cliff or a dinner on a
boat or old-fashioned ship. It needs to be
something that will have an impact when she removes
the blindfold.

Believe me when I say that NOTHING can rekindle the
love, passion and excitement in your relationship
more than going on fun and creative dates together.

About the Author
Love Expert Michael Webb is the author of 300 
Creative Dates, a book jam-packed with ways to
rekindle your relationship with creative and
romantic outings, including including ideas for
every day dates, long distance relationships,
birthdays, anniversaries and more. Learn more NOW !

Sunday, March 13, 2011

What the hell?

I have been with my child's father for a little over 4 years and we had a great time on our anniversary, went and saw a movie caught dinner and closed the night with some smooth music and some white zinfandel.


He didn't get me anything.

A card...

A poem...


Now at first I was waiting and waiting because he usually wakes up early on our anniversary and have breakfast ready for me with some flowers, a card and something special. But not this time...

(am i that artificial?)

Is he tires of being with me, sick of celebrating us being together, or what?

He tried giving me excuses but then took them back because he knows he would have been lying.
Overall I had a great time!

SN: I tried a new approach to my relationship a little differently. When a situation come up I K.I.P. Keep It Positive. Especially the little things. The big things we come to a compromise without hassle, loud voices, rudeness, etc. It reduces a lot of stress between both parties!

What Do You Think?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ever Said The WRONG Thing?

Have you ever wished you had the "right" words to say in a
difficult relationship situation where you just didn't know the right thing to say?

Have you ever said the WRONG thing to someone (possibly even to your spouse or partner) and then wished you had said something different or regretted what you said later?

Have you ever "not said anything" to someone about something because you didn't know what to say or how to say it?

Of course you have.

We ALL have.

Now you don't have to worry about what to say or how to say it to your spouse, partner or lover ever again because of "Magic Relationship Words" that you can begin using in just a couple of moments.
You've been in enough relationships to know that...

"Words Can Hurt and Words Can Heal..."

What you may not know is that there are actually "Magic Words" that smart couples use to create more closeness, connection, peace, harmony, understanding and even passion in their relationships.

Most people in relationships don't know about these words and how to use them but my friends--Relationship Coaches Susie and Otto Collins have put together a new book (that I highly recommend) with a collection of 101 of these "magic words," phrases and sentence starters in it that you can begin using in your relationship right now to make sure you say it right every time.

What will learning these "magic relationship words" do for you?

One person who just saw them said..."If I learn how to use these words, my Husband and I will have had our last argument." I believe that if you start using these magic words they can work miracles in your relationship or marriage.

No Kidding.

Using these magic words when you talk to your
spouse or partner will help you...

~ Build or rebuild trust
~ Reduce or eliminate jealousy
~ Improve communication
~ Increase connection
~ Create more passion and intimacy both
   in and out of the bedroom

AND Much More...

These "magic" relationship words, phrases,
and sentence starters are true communication
difference-makers that can determine the quality,
happiness and connection of not just your
intimate relationship or marriage but all your other relationships as well.

They can be the difference between whether
someone opens and listens to you or closes
up, gets mad or just ignores you.

What Do You Think?

Friday, February 18, 2011

Is He Cheating Or Benefit of the Doubt?

Cheating in a realtionship cause a person to be dishonest, disloyal, etc. It just shouldn't be done!

Benefit of the doubt in a relationship is an opinionated way of looking at the uncertainty of a situation.

Now on to the...

Scenario: One day I decide to pretend like I was walking out of the house, so I closed the door and stayed extremely quiet. Then my boyfriend (not the one i'm with now) phone rings and he answers "Hey how are you, what are you doing?" I didn't think nothing of it. Then he starts laughing and making jokes but in his sexy voice so I began to wonder. Who is that?  Why is he talking as if he were talking to me? Is this what he does everytime I walk out of the door?

So me, being a smooth criminal, I open the door and pretend to rush in and say "Have you seen my phone, it was on the table?" He tells the person on the other end of the phone, "I'll call you back!" and he then hangs up.

So i'm walking around the house pretending to look for my misplaced phone that is right in my pocket, and I yell "Got it!"

So he gives me a kiss and Rushes me out the door, suspiciously I might add.

Anyways long story short I gave him benefit of the doubt, didn't think nothing of it and left the situation alone.
That was until...
A week later when...

I noticed he let his guard down one day, he went to work and left his phone home.

I went through his phone and he was indeed cheating. How do you know? you ask!

Late night calls to and from that number, I called the number and asked for some random person and to my surprise it was a woman that answered.

Finally I could not take it anymore and called her and asked for him, she said he was not there and asked who I was. I told her I was his girlfriend and was looking for him.
She then told me who she was and that they had been dating for 4 months.

Again smooth criminal... We came up with a plan to case him up, it went down the following week at my house. He was caught and didn't have nothing to say.

I gave up a cheating boyfriend and gained a friend!

Has this happen to you in any way, and was he cheating or did you give him benefit of the doubt?

Now tell me what do you think?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Should I be upset?

I am pretty laid back in my relationship, especially since I've had my daughter. I love my boyfriend but I won't die if we break up. I have my daughter and she will remind me everyday of the good times I shared with her dad.


Scenario: My boyfriends' babies mama has a boyfriend and she only seem to call him about the kids when her boyfriend is at work.

Personally this is sneaky if she had let go of her feelings for my boyfriend then she would call him about the kids while her man is around, and she wouldn't keep using the kids as an excuse to talk to him. Okay and even if she has let go of her feelings for him then this becomes a maturity issue.

sn: She doesn't like the idea of me being and having a child by her ex (a.k.a. my boyfriend).

She just turned 29 and I always had the notion that women are more mature than men but in this case I am proved wrong.

Now usually this doesn't bother me but it does bother me when she calling after 10 p.m. and making up stories about her kids just to have something to talk about.

My boyfriend doesn't answer after 10 just because he knows it's her and her non-sense!

I love the kids and wish they were not subjected to such childish behavior! Enough is Enough!

What do you think?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Thinking of Tying The Knot? 5 Tips To Make Sure You Stay Together.

Did you know that love does NOT conquer all?

You see, often people get married with the idea
that their “chemistry” or undying love for each
other will keep them together forever.

However, with almost 50% of marriages ending in
divorce these days, it’s obvious that this isn’t
the case. Therefore, it pays to know a few little
secrets before getting married.

Here are 5 tips that help keep couples together
long after tying the knot:


Over the years, people often drift apart or
relationships and marriages become stale because
couples fail to do new and special things together.

That's why going on new and refreshing dates is so
important. In fact, there is something about
“dating” that creates a sense of magic in a
relationship and can even bring relationships out
of a rut.

While on a date, you also put more effort into your
appearance, have more uninterrupted time to
communicate on a deeper level and are naturally
drawn closer together.

Stuck for ideas? Spend the day at the aquarium,
zoo, museum, carnival, bookstore, beach or park.


It’s a well-documented statistic that couples who
have dated for a year or longer before marriage
have a significantly lower rate of divorce than
those who married after a short dating period.

A year of dating gives time for many emotions to
surface and many character traits to be discovered.
You may adore someone in the spring, but despise
him or her in the winter.

Asking someone for his or her hand in marriage on
the third date isn't romantic. It's gambling.


Oftentimes, as a relationship matures, partners
tend to stop praising each other because they
'assume' their partner already knows what they're

When in reality, a day should never go by without
you praising your partner. Compliment them on their
cooking, reaffirm that they're the greatest person
in the world or tell them they’re a wonderful role
model. If you want to be loved and romanced by your
sweetheart, love and romance them first. When
they're feeling loved, it is much easier to love in

Are you a super supporter of what your mate does
and says? So do you cheer them on and praise them
constantly? Or do they constantly hear boos or


Couples with the most problems are often the ones
that say, "I just don't understand him/her."

So let me ask you: How knowledgeable are you about
your mate's profession or the degree they are
pursuing? Do you know anything about his or her
family heritage? Are you able to have a meaningful
conversation about her cross-stitch hobby or his
interest in rugby? If you are a man, do you fully
understand what women experience during PMS or

You don't need to be identical, but make an effort
to learn about the things that interest your
partner in life and you'll grow closer as a result.


Does your partner want kids? Do you both want
careers? Do they have a history of spending their
way into debt? Do they go to church?

In my opinion, the biggest reason almost half of
marriages end in divorce is because couples fail to
ask each other the right questions BEFORE they get

I guess people think they'll be able to change
their spouses after marriage and everything will be
better. Wrong. If you fail to sit down and discuss
finances, religion, sex, housing, your future, and
other topics in great detail, you could end up with
nothing but argument after argument for the rest of
your days.

In the end, if you both have completely different
views, desires and goals in life, there’s no
guarantee that chemistry or "I love you’s" will
help you stay together.

Make it your utmost priority to understand each
other 'inside-out' BEFORE you take that walk down the aisle.

What Do You Think?

(note: if you choose not to purchase "1000 Questions For Couples," That's fine just stay tuned for 33 of 1000 Questions for Couples, this should still help you and your partner along the right path!)

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Have you ever been in a relationship with a man that has kids that disrespect you because their mama don't like you, or the fact that you are dating her ex?

I think I may have just called out at least 80% of women.

From experience I know what this is like.

Scenerio: One day I ride with my boyfriend to go drop something off to his kids and they don't speak to me for the first 10 minutes, in which he had to actually say "you're not going to speak to kat?" All because their mama tell them not to talk to me which is just plain ignorant.

I never disrespect her, I buy her kids clothes, toys etc whenever I buy my daughter something but yet she still find it in her mind to tell them to do this.

And what makes it worse is my boyfriend is hesitent when it comes to letting them know that what they are doing is wrong.

How will them kids ever know right from wrong when the mama is teaching them wrong and the daddy isn't teaching them nothing?

My daughter will be 6 months on Tuesday the 15 and I have already been teaching her manners. "Thank You!," "Sorry!," "Hello," "Bye" etc. I hope once she gets older she don't feel it's alright to disrespect her sisters mom  just because they disrespect me.

So of course now I ask...

What Do You Think?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Why is it okay?


"Why is it okay for a man to do whatever he wants whenever he wants in a relationship but a woman has to be on her best behavior all the time?"

I have yet to find an answer to this question but I have a theory.

Men have to remain as the Alpha-Dog, being in control of anything possible in a relationship to hide their true fear of commitment.

Everyone knows that in the real world women control almost every aspect of a relationship. Only because an unhappy woman = very unhappy man!  Some men would call it a sure way for them to get out of commitment and back on the market.

So I ask What Do You Think?